Postural Training For Kids
Jasroop Singh Sodhi

By - Jasroop Singh Sodhi
Functional Manual Therapist at VARDĀN
Very often in our practice we see patients complaining of aches and pains, which are easily attributed to their bad posture. It is further established that they are in a particular posture for as long as they can remember. Many of the patients don’t even know about the ‘good posture/bad posture’ concept until it is too late to change it. Good posture is essential for maintaining a healthy body and preventing various health problems, and hence be prioritised in schools for the best results.

Children spend a significant amount of time sitting in classrooms and using electronic devices, which can lead to poor posture habits. It is crucial to teach good posture to school-going children to prevent the development of musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain. Poor posture can cause strain on the muscles, joints, and ligaments, leading to discomfort, fatigue, and even injury. By teaching children good posture habits early on, they can learn to maintain a healthy posture that will reduce their risk of developing these issues in the future.

Additionally, good posture has been shown to have a positive impact on a child's confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Children who have good posture tend to exude more confidence and self-assurance, which can lead to better academic performance and social interactions. Moreover, good posture helps improve breathing, digestion, and circulation, all of which are crucial for a child's overall health and well-being. Therefore, it is important to teach good posture to school-going children as it can benefit them both physically and mentally, setting them up for a healthier and more successful future.
Factors leading to bad postural habits in
school-going children
There are several factors that can lead to bad postural habits in school-going children. One of the primary factors is the use of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Children tend to hunch over these devices, leading to a rounded back, slouched shoulders, and a forward head posture. Sitting for prolonged periods, whether in class or while studying, can also lead to bad posture as it puts a strain on the muscles and joints. In addition, carrying heavy backpacks or bags improperly can lead to slouching and uneven distribution of weight, leading to back pain and poor posture. Another factor that can contribute to bad posture in children is the lack of physical activity.

With the increasing amount of time spent sitting in front of screens, children are not getting enough exercise to strengthen their muscles and improve their posture. Poor sleeping habits, such as sleeping on an unsupportive mattress or pillow, can also lead to bad posture. Finally, poor ergonomics in the classroom, such as uncomfortable chairs or desks that are not adjustable, can contribute to bad posture habits in school-going children.
Encouraging good postural habits in
school-going kids
There are several ways to help school-going children practice good postural habits:
  • Educate them: It's important to teach children about good posture and explain why it's important. This can be done through classroom lessons, workshops, and discussions.
  • Demonstrate good posture: Children learn by example, so teachers and parents should model good posture themselves. This includes sitting up straight, keeping their shoulders back and relaxed, and maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Encourage movement: Encourage children to take breaks from sitting and move around regularly. Teachers can incorporate movement breaks into the classroom routine, and parents can encourage physical activity outside of school hours.
  • Ensure ergonomic equipment: Ensure that chairs, desks, and other equipment are ergonomic and adjustable to support good posture.
  • Use proper sleeping equipment: Ensure that children have a supportive mattress and pillow to sleep on.
  • Get regular check-ups: Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional can help identify and address any postural issues.
By implementing these strategies, we can help school-going children practice good postural habits, which can improve their physical health, mental well-being, and academic performance.
Good posture and ergonomics tips for school kids
Following are some good posture and ergonomics tips for school kids:
  • Sit up straight: Encourage children to sit up straight with their shoulders back and relaxed, and their feet flat on the floor. This helps maintain a neutral spine and prevents slouching.
  • Keep the screen at eye level: Ensure that the computer or tablet screen is at eye level, so children do not have to tilt their head up or down.
  • Use a chair with a backrest: A chair with a backrest can help support the child's back and prevent slouching.
  • Keep the keyboard and mouse within reach: The keyboard and mouse should be within easy reach, so children do not have to stretch or strain to use them.
  • Take breaks: Encourage children to take breaks from sitting and move around regularly to prevent stiffness and discomfort.
  • Exercise Regularly: Children should be encouraged to do all sorts of exercises (viz stretching, mobility and strengthening) and indulge in different types of outdoor sports for making the musculoskeletal system efficient.
  • Sleep on a supportive mattress and pillow: A supportive mattress and pillow can help maintain good posture while sleeping.
By following these tips, children can practice good posture and ergonomics, which can prevent discomfort, injury, and musculoskeletal problems in the future.
How FMTTM Helps
At VARDĀN, we follow a system of techniques for in depth evaluation of posture during various static and dynamic postures. FMTTM approach is function based, so by evaluating how a person sit, stand or carry weight in their daily activities helps in educating them to attain a good and efficient posture and also devising a customized exercise programme to facilitate that posture.
Our Client Speak

“I had been suffering from a knee and shoulder injury. The doctors advised me to get a knee surgery to remove the tears but then I discovered Vardan. I have been using the facility for the past three years and my knee and shoulder are completely fine now. My thanks to Mr. Jasroop Singh Sodhi who has diligently worked on my knee and shoulder. The staff members at Vardan are also very helpful and welcoming. It made my experience at Vardan more therapeutic. On the very first day I walked into Vardan wearing kneecap support and never felt the need for it after the very first session. Now I go to Vardan for maintaining my health and agility in general.”

- Acharya Salil

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