As I complete over six sessions or so at your facility, I feel confident that my basic problems have been correctly diagnosed, and the treatment package carefully & accurately designed, giving me hope that one day, I can be surely back to normal. From the hopelessly unbearable levels of acute pain & rigidity, my lower back now has to bear about only 10% of the pains felt at the start, when the ‘sprain’ first occurred. The stiffness and lack of fluidity still remains upto 60%, but I have to now accept, in the given case of tissue damage, progress would be essentially slow. Essentially thus , I can say that I am still quite happy ,and relieved, about the slow but steady improvement under Vardan,(Anshul) and look forward to full recovery in the near future. A bonus benefit, I fortunately got was that my recent Vertigo was instantly fixed by Kathy, who had dropped by at one session for mandatory review & monitoring, perhaps. Special thanks here.
Thanks indeed for Vardan support & guidance