Aug. 25 2018. Times Of India
Proper alignment will lead to less pain and dysfunction by more efficient use of muscles.
Why posture is important:
How difficult can sitting and standing be? No one really thinks about it, but that does not mean a correct posture is easy or not important. In fact, while posture is regarded as a low hanging fruit in the physical therapy world, most people do not realise how crucial it is thoughit affects every minute of our lives! Maintaining an optimal alignment through the day leads to drastic reduction of pain and dysfunction as poor posture dramatically increases forces on the spine leading to increased pain. Improper standing, sitting, and sleeping postures every day for years leads to huge pressures on the spine and resultant pain. Just learning the best position for your body to hold all day is the simplest remedy!
What changes when you utilize proper posture:
When muscles stretch or slacken too much they cannot contract. If you do not utilize all your muscles, certain muscles become dominant and get overused. This leads to spasms, strains, pain and muscles can be used better, which decreases fatigue because your body becomes more efficient. As you become more upright and your musculature becomes more balanced, the risk of developing scoliosis or other fixed abnormal alignment dysfunctions reduces. Many patients even say that they look better, taller, and leaner.
How VARDAN helps you attain the best posture:
Most people are not exactly sure what their correct posture should be. Luckily, at VARDAN, by using the Saliba Postural Classification System (researched and published in the Journal of Manual and anipulative Therapy in 2016) that helps us assess the stability and strength of joints and muscles, we ensure our patients learn to sit, stand, and sleep in the best possible position for their bodies. Patients who are unable to sit without discomfort have an immediate reduction in pain after our postural correction.
Patients who feel tired from standing instantly feel stronger after postural correction with the Saliba System.
Our patients emerge from VARDAN knowing they are in the most efficient alignment and can prevent the return of pain by maintaining that alignment.
Dr. Jane Lucas
is a Certified Functional Manual Therapist at VARDAN, a wellness initiative by The Times Group in association with the Institute of Physical Art, USA
Functional Manual TherapyTM (FMT) is a comprehensive approach to physiotherapy, which identifies and facilitates your existing potential through an in-depth examination and treatment of your mechanical capacity, neuromuscular function and motor control. Discover your potential to have less pain and function better with FMT!
To schedule your appointment at the VARDAN Centre (New Delhi):
SMS VFMT to 58888
Call 011-43580720-22
(9am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday)
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