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Eye Opening Experiences at VARDĀN

If you have ever had a problem with your eye, it gets all your attention. People depend on eyesight for every part of their day. Any impairments in vision can be downright debilitating. Research has shown that the eye is related to headaches, migraines, neck tightness, dizziness, posture, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, disordered sleep, and breathing. Even if the patient does not have symptoms in the eye itself, improving the strength and use of the eyes has the potential to improve any of the above symptoms. For this reason, you should not overlook these treatments and the prospective improvement to your quality of life.

I also have personal experience as a patient in this field. I started wearing glasses at age 8; the power was about negative six when I got Lasik eye surgery in college. However, soon after that, I was disappointed to discover that I had to start wearing glasses again. After 1 FMT treatment with Gregg Johnson (a well-respected physical therapist) I was able to discard the specs for good. Not only was my eyesight restored, but I also felt alert, energized, and able to focus better. I discovered that all my difficulties were related to specific weakness patterns in my eyes. After this experience, I immediately started researching and learning from leading eye experts around the world. This cutting-edge material has been brought to VARDĀN and the patients are truly seeing great results.

Statistically, the duration of an eye treatment is quite short (sometimes only 5 minutes). Nevertheless, many patients respond that they feel more awake, focused, calm, balanced, and that they can breathe better after their treatments. It is truly an eye-opening experience! As skilled clinicians that fully understand the research on this subject, we have not seen any adverse effects from these treatments.

When the baby is developing in utero, the covering to the spinal cord, the meninges, slowly encloses to create the eye. The outer layer of the meninges is continuous with the white of the eye (the sclera) and the inner layer is continuous with the vasculature of the eye (the choroid plexus). The meninges also cover the nerve behind the eye (the optic nerve). Since the eye is connected to the covering of the brain, treatments to the eye seem to have a calming effect on the nervous system. Since the muscles at the base of the skull are connected to the eyes, the same treatments will relax musculature in the neck and decrease headaches.

Other countries around the world, such as the USA, Spain, Italy, Russia, and Germany are all already offering these innovative treatments. Gregg Johnson and Jane Lucas, two American physical therapists affiliated with VARDĀN have presented this groundbreaking material at the American Physiologic Medicine and Dental Conference in September 2022. Mr. Johnson and Dr. Lucas have conducted many trainings at VARDĀN Physiotherapy Centre and their ocular manual therapy students are quite enthusiastic pupils. The highly skilled physiotherapists at VARDĀN are advancing this visionary field. If you have the foresight to make an appointment, you can look forward to eye catching results.


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