The foot has a complex set of tendons, muscles, joints, and bones that enable it to work properly, as well as withstand walking, standing, and other everyday movements.
The lower back supports the weight of the upper body and provides mobility for everyday motions such as bending and twisting. Muscles in the low back are responsible for bending forward and back, and rotating the hips while walking, as well as supporting the spinal column.
Vertigo is a common ailment that affects a large number of people every year. And although it isn’t a life-threatening condition, it can affect the quality of life substantially.
Aging is a fact of life and it affects all families. As adult children, when imagining our parents as seniors, we may not fully comprehend the extent to which their aging will affect them or how it will affect us.
The rotator cuff is made up of muscles and tendons that keep the ball of the upper-arm bone in the shoulder socket. It helps one to raise and rotate the arms.
Today professionals across the world spend extended periods of time glued on to the computer or mobile screen. This results in ‘Neck Disorders’ that can cause severe discomfort.
Sitting for long hours daily can impact a person’s wellbeing, ranging from mild to severe. Remaining seated for long hours, day after day, gradually pushes a person’s health towards various complications, often triggering musculoskeletal pains, slowing down the metabolism, increasing psychological stress, and even cognitive dysfunctions.
COVID-19 is a serious disease, which can cause mild to severe symptoms in affected patients ranging from fever, headaches, sore throat, dry cough to more severe symptoms such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome or respiratory failure leading to more serious complications.