Rashmi Singh
This is to place my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the services received by me at Vardan center. I was in a terrible state of affairs and never appreciated that even a physical pain will result in psychological issues. Prior to coming to Vardan almost all possible options available under medical parlance were exhausted. Still opting to come at Vardan was like let us try even this one..the involved cost per session was indeed a major impediment. What followed after that is something which I am going to remember all my life.
First session- seeing a male therapist was a put off but all credit to Tabish, little I knew then that this person is going to become like a family member, friend, brother, mentor and above all a super efficient therapist. I don’t know what he did in the very first session but it was nothing less than magic. My pain which was nagging me for more than a year was gone for the good. Multiple sessions followed after that and the major concern of charges per session just melted away. Seeing Tabish sweating it out and relaxing his fingers in between is one of the most selfless acts I have ever seen and experienced in my life. It is not possible to monetize this effort in any possible measure.
I wish to bring the management of Vardan a few points to consider though-
1. Please disseminate FMT by some other means as well. There are many more patients who could use it.
2. Present scheme of things including cost per session make it appear to serve a limited clientele. Knowing the history of Times Groups it is suggested to include this facility as one of their CSR activities.
I wish to thank everyone at Vardan center, each person with whom I interacted were courteous and eager to help.
Thank you- Rashmi Singh